SimplyGo App User Guide

What is the difference between the existing and enhanced version?

The latest version integrates features from the EZ-Link app, which include Auto Top-Up, EZ-Link Rewards, EZ-Link Wallet and more. Existing travel card-related services such as Concession card services, redemption of Public Transport Vouchers are still available on the updated version. With the update, you can use one single app, i.e. the Enhanced SimplyGo app for your transit and lifestyle needs. 

 What’s new: 

  1. Brand new interface 
  2. Integration of EZ-Link app features on the Enhanced SimplyGo app, which include:
  • EZ-Link Motoring service 
  • EZ-Link Wallet 
  • EZ-Link Rewards 
  • “My Family” Feature
  • Instant application and activation of Auto Top-Up 
  • Top-Up for all SimplyGo EZ-Link cards/EZ-Link cards/ SimplyGo Concession cards/ Concession cards
  • Card blocking for SimplyGo EZ-Link cards/EZ-Link cards/ SimplyGo Concession cards/ Concession cards

One will still enjoy what he used to on the SimplyGo app when he updates to the Enhanced SimplyGo app.